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Jamie Dimon rails against ‘rich is bad’ talk

NEW YORK – Jamie Dimon, the CEO of JPMorgan Chase & Co., is railing against bashing the rich. Dimon was responding to a question at an investor conference about the hostile political environment towards banks. “Acting like everyone who’s been successful is bad and that everyone who is rich is bad , I just don’t get it,” said Dimon at the conference, which was organized by Goldman Sachs Group Inc. Dimon said he’s worked on Wall Street for much of his life and contributed his fair share. “Most of us wage earners are paying 39.6 percent in taxes and add in another 12 percent in New York state and city taxes and we’re paying 50 percent of our income in taxes,” Dimon said in defense of his fellow Wall Street bankers.

What a great weekend!

Wow – what a weekend!  Leaving Friday I met a few friends at a pub and had a few pints, then I went out to ride my new BMW Motorcycle.  It was a little wet out but that only added to the fun when I drove down to my office and saw a bunch of those filthy hippies being arrested.


haha  When I saw the news on Saturday afternoon and everyone was getting up in arms about these other disgusting and violent twits being sprayed with teargas or some other not very toxic spray (no one EVER dies of TEARGAS, geez).

And with Flu season these disgusting hippies are only going to be harboring more and more disease!  Gawker said it well


The way I see it is this, Stay out of trouble, work and be a part of society.  The end.

get a job hippies and you will be able to afford the life you claim to deserve.


I am so tired of people asking for handouts!

What is most important to you? Poll

Bonus time!

Next week I’m having my new bathroom put in so this extra 15% bonus is mighty nice. Take my advice 99 percenters. Go get a job!

Bottom Feeders?

As I sit in my climate controlled office here on Wall St, looking down at all of the 99% I can’t help but feel bad, for myself! How is it I am even a part of this race?  Take a look at what I see everyday when I come into my office.

Apparently, there are now teenagers and young adults who have descended upon Wall Street in an effort to turn the gathering into a rave. With a “sex, drugs and rock and roll” mentality apparently infiltrating the protests, Mail Online reports:


Among the banners and flags are now discarded packets of condoms, cigarettes and bottles of spirits, while naked youngsters happily get together with just sleeping bags covering their modesty.

A box of free condoms is kept in the main area where protesters are camping.


If this is an accurate description of the conditions on the ground, it sounds more like Woodstock than it does a political movement. On Friday, alone, more than 400 people were at the makeshift city and sex was apparently a rampant occurrence.









While many have praised the protesters as young people who have little means and who have fallen victim to a down economy, Andre, a 40-year-old activist, says, “Most of the kids are trust-fund babies. They don’t need to be here.” He continues, “I’ve seen some making out, having sex. It doesn’t look good.”

And who can forget the image of a man allegedly defecating on a New York City patrol car?

We are the 1%!

I guess this sums it up.  While you were asleep, I was able to still make investments and like my idol Gordon Gecko says in the AMAZING movie Wall St., “Money never sleeps”.  Many say you never wake a sleeping elephant, well what about Bob Parsons from GoDaddy.com (one of us 1%)  he didn’t worry about that when he shot and killed one just a few months ago, no repercussions to his company and actually they are bigger than ever!  You sent $ to George Bush and Bill Clinton (1%’ers) for Haiti but it never made its way to help the Haitians – as a matter of fact it made several people very wealthy, including The Red Cross. So you see 99 Percenters you are doing exactly what we need you to do to make more money.  You have public outcries for a few weeks and then go to Twitter, Facebook, Digg, Reddit, etc and Change your profile pic to have a green hue, or make it black, or whatever color you want to attribute to this rally, feel as though that actually DOES something and move on to the next episode of Pan Am or Whitney. I cannot wait for you guys to tire of this and go home so I can look outside my office and see nothing but suits and skirts walking about generating more money.  As I write this I am sipping a glass of Maison Surrenne that cost more than most of your wardrobes, I just signed up for Sailing lessons at Marthas Vineyard and will be heading to my 1600 sq ft loft after a meeting in an hour – What are you people doing?
